Monday, November 1, 2010

A Decision Made with a Heavy Heart

A decision made with a heavy heart, this is how I feel right now. Michael and I have decided to put Jordan back into public school. This decision was not made lightly. Its not the ideal situation. Its not the perfect solution. But for this moment and at this time in our lives we feel this is the best solution.

I have been home schooling Jordan since September. Prior to that my sister in law home schooled him. He seemed to do well there. I felt like from day one that Jordan and I were having problems. Almost everyday we were struggling. I started to notice that his math skills weren’t where they should be. This became a sore spot. Then as the weeks by Jordan seemed to really dislike having school everyday. It seemed a battle everyday to just get him to concentrate on this school work. He seemed to rush through school work so that he could do something else. Jordan is not a self-starter. I had to be on him the entire time. Things were alright before Emma arrived. Between her and Conor its almost impossible for Jordan to do his school work, study or even absorb any of what he’s learning. I started to have the feeling like he just wasn’t getting it. Any of it.

I started to talk to Mike about my concerns, started looking up testing websites to see if I could figure out where Jordan might be. His math skills were way below where they should be. Otherwise he seemed to be doing alright. I think his reading comprehension needs to be worked on. I also think that Jordan may need a break from me and the chaos that has become our house since Emma arrived. That may sound weird to some but it’s the truth. Jordan and I are a lot alike and we tend to but heads.

I think Jordan will like going back to school. Yes I know all the cons of public school. I do not need to be reminded of how Oklahoma is failing in the public school area. I think Jordan will enjoy being around other kids and hopefully he will make some friends. Our mornings really aren’t all that crazy either. The kids are usually up early anyway and Mike can take Jordan on his way to work, the school is like 2 minutes away. I can walk over to the school to pick him up or on the bad weather days I can have him picked up.

So although this was a hard decision we feel this is going to be a good thing. Please pray that the adjustments go smoothly. Jordan isn’t the only one that has to adjust. Conor is somewhat lonely without Jordan at home. He loves his brother so much. Only time will tell how things will turn out, heres to hoping all goes well!


  1. Katy, I am praying for you and your family about this transition. First, I just want to encourage you that while the public ed system is in need of repair, it is still quite effective in providing our youth with a very valuable education. I am a huge advocate of public school for a variety of reasons. I think that it can offer a whole slew of benefits to those it serves. Please don't feel too badly about your decision. Being a parent is hard and I have full confidence that every decision you and Mike make is the very best one for your family. Loves and hugs. :)

  2. We all have to do what we have to do. Your decision to put your son back in to public school does not make you a bad mom. My honest opinion is that sometimes its not the school that is the problem - education starts and ends in the home. If you have a child that has parents that are on him, he'll be a good student. You clearly care about his education. He will be fine :) I always felt I got a good education in public schools...there is always advanced placement classes - that is where they will be challenged more.
