Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Que Sera, Sera

Whatever will be will be. The future. We make plans but if you believe like I do you know that the future is already planned out for us. I have been giving this a lot of thought lately. Mike and I have been talking about savings accounts, 401K's and retirement. I know I'm only in my 30's but we are starting late in the game as far as saving for the future goes. I have also been thinking about the kind of future I want to give my children. I try to think about each major decision we make in terms of what it means for my children. Part of the reason we have been talking about saving is because of our kids. Growing up my grandparents were always there to help my parents and later of course me. We want to be able to help our kids and maybe even our grand kids if necessary.

There are also other goals that we have set for things we would like to have and do in the future. We have been talking about moving to Arizona in the next 5-8 years. We would like to buy a house someday and of course retire so that we can spend time together as a couple. We would like to be able to go on family vacations and someday maybe travel just the two of us. These are all things we wont be able to do if we do not plan for it now. That was just one of the deciding factors when it came to should we have any more kids. We talked about possibly having a fourth if Emma hadn't been a girl. But thankfully it was a girl. I just don't think we could have handled anymore than three. With the rising costs of food, clothing, transportation, and  well almost everything it just makes sense to only have what you can care for. Just my opinion. I love my kids very much and I want to be able to provide for them everything they need and maybe not everything they want but at least some of things they do want.

When discussing saving money it can always be touchy. We eventually decided to up the percentage taken out of his check to put into his 401K so that when he leaves Mesa we will have put back a nice chunk to move over to another account. We are also looking into possibly a savings account at our bank to help if we ever had any overdraft fees. I cant begin to describe how proud I am of my husband. He has really taken a new path in the last 3 years or so. He's in school and trying to get a degree so that he can get a better job, he's thinking about what we will have in our future so we're not constantly struggling and he's a great Dad. He really has grown up since we were first married.

I look forward to and embrace growing older. Yes sometimes its scary but I have Michael to go with me through it, so its not so bad. I'm already getting gray hair. I think about what we will have. Money to retire and be together, kids who have grown up and maybe even have kids of their own. Time to be a couple and possibly travel or just be together. A life of no stress or at least less stress. I cant wait but in the mean time we're trying to be responsible in the here and now so our future will be full of fun. I look forward to what God has in store for us. Whatever will be will be.

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