Thursday, June 23, 2011

Friends and Other Thoughts

Today I went to visit with a new friend. I met her Facebook through a group we were both in. I don't have many close friends. It seems like once people really get to know me they stay away. Ive had lots of friends over the years but only a select few have really stuck by me. This new person and I seem to have a lot in common. Its always nice to be able to visit with a like minded person. Our kids are roughly similar in age. Her kids are just as crazy as mine. We feel the same way about how many kids we should have and don't care what other people think about it. We are both into eating healthy(ier), losing weight and doing things to protect the earth. Although we both homeschool we're not ultra conservative about too many things. When I first went to meet with her I was afraid of how she would react to all my tattoos, that is until she mentioned her husband has quite a few himself.

I love to make new friends. Sometimes I feel isolated by certain people. Because I am more liberal than most people I know I'm always afraid of saying the wrong thing or what they will think about my tattoos, the way I raise my kids or issues I'm passionate about. For the most part I don't care about what people think about my tattoos. They are a story of my life. A visual journey so to speak. I intend to get a few more, ones to commemorate some recent events in my life. I don't like to offend people. I try hard not to get into arguments especially with people who truly believe what they are saying. As my husband says "you cant argue with a true believer". He is right. I am starting to run across more and more people who truly believe you should have as many kids as possible. I do not agree with this. I believe although God wants you to be prosperous, He also expects you to be responsible and self-reliant. Sometimes having more kids than you can truly care for goes against this. I know we should rely on God but He's not going to come down and pay our bills for us or fix our cars.

I am new to homeschooling. I recently joined a local homeschool group. At first I thought "what are they going to think when they see me?" I quickly learned that they didn't care they were just glad to meet me and my kids. Yes having liberal views, especially here in Oklahoma definitely makes me in the minority. I have found that here people tend to judge a book by its cover. I am a nice person, educated, although not overly smart. I am not the typical stay at home, homeschooling Mom. I don't want to be. I like being a little different and not looking like a cookie cutter mom. Its nice to have found someone who homeschools her kids who is kind of like me. Its refreshing actually. Sometimes I wonder why God puts certain people in our lives. Especially ones who annoy us. Be it a co-worked, family member or friend. I guess in the end they all serve a purpose.

Don't misunderstand me here. I am not judging those who don't believe the same things I do. I don't care if you agree with me or not. For the most part I don't even care what you think about my tattoos or the 12 earrings I wear. I don't care if you think my kids watch too much t.v or play too many games. I don't care if you think I'm wrong for choosing to have my tubes tied. I think in the grand scheme of things with all that's going on my having my tubes tied in pretty low on Gods list of concerns. I don't care if you think its wrong that we don't eat at the dinner table every night or that we sometimes eat with the t.v. on. I don't care if you think my husband spends too much time playing in games or working out. Its healthy for him to have "guy time" just like its healthy for me to have "girl time". Mike has a game every other Saturday and I use that time to hang out at home or go do something Ive been wanting to do that hes not into. Working out to us is important and we spend time as a family doing fitness related stuff as well. The truth is Mike and I love each other very much and do enjoy each others company. But we're also both independent and enjoy being able to be apart. I hate having to rely on anyone else for anything. I love being able to go wherever I want to do whatever I want. Having a friend who has the same option is nice.

I guess I got a little off track here, but I just wrote what I'm feeling right now. I have a lot going on right now. A lot of things I'm thinking about and dealing with. I'm starting a new chapter this year with homeschooling again and I'm really looking forward to it. Ive picked out what sounds like some really fun curriculum this year and I'm looking forward to getting started.

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