Saturday, June 25, 2011

To Keep or Not to Keep, That is the Question.....

Today I spent most of the day helping my Mom go through stuff to make room in her dining room. For the next few Saturdays I will be helping her cull out stuff. The next room we'll be tacking is her sewing room. No offense to my Mom but she has a lot of stuff. Her Mother had a lot of stuff so that's all she knew. I'm trying to help her sort through the stuff, reorganize and possibly get rid of. I don't mind helping it gives me a project outside of my house and I get to look at memories. Most of the stuff we went through today was stuff that belonged to my Grandmother. Fabric, sewing notions, and quilting stuff. I miss her so much.

As I was helping I was thinking about all the stuff that I have in my own house. I have a lot of stuff in storage that I have been wanting to go through. Ive been trying to thin it out. Its slow but I am succeeding. Soon I will be bringing what I have here to store in our shed. Its things that I want to display when we have our own home, whenever that will be. I have cleaned out most of the stuff inside our house. I recently went through our closet and our laundry room and got rid of a bunch of stuff. Sometimes I watch Hoarders and I think to myself " How could anyone let their home get that bad." If Mike wasn't such a minimalist our house probably have a lot more stuff so I keep it less cluttered for him.

I long for the day when we have our own home so that I can truly have a space to display all my knick knacks. Ideally I would like to have a small building outside with air conditioning and heating so that I could put all my little curios in it and just sit out there and enjoy them. That way I get to keep my "junk" and Mike gets a clutter free house. Someday. In the mean time Im going to keep thinning out.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the help. Sometimes I hesitate cleaning it out due to the memories. But, it is time to decide what I really need. Monty is also a minimalist so I need to start thinking that way too. It does help me feel more in control and how much fabric do I really need?
