Thursday, January 6, 2011

Auld Lang Syne

Im a little behind in posting this but here it is.....

Auld Lang Syne: times gone by. Here we are again about to conclude another year. I cant believe we're about to enter 2011. Who would have guessed. This year has been an exciting year for me and my family. I started out this year discovering I was pregnant. January 8th to be exact. What an exciting way to begin a new year. We made the decision in February to move in with my father in law to try to save some money. We moved in with him in early March. It was nice to have the option and I really appreciate that he allowed it. For the most part we succeeded in saving money. Not much happened in April. In May we took a trip to Silver Dollar City (for those of you who dont know its an amusement park/old timey town). I had never been there. Even though it rained the two days we were there it was still lots of fun. In June I had an ultrasound and was told we were having a girl. I was both shocked and thrilled at the same time. I was almost positive that I was having another boy. So needless to say I was over the moon to find out I was indeed having a girl. I took the ultrasound photos to Mike at work and he was so happy he could hardly contain it. June was also exciting because I found out that my sister Erica was pregnant with her first child. I was so excited for her. Then in July I found out that my other sister Rebecca was also pregnant with her first child. It was so cool that we were all pregnant at the same time. Its been really neat to be able to share all my pregnancy and birthing experiences with them and to be able to give them advice and comforting during the crazy process of being pregnant and giving birth. Not much happened in August. In September I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. We named her Emma Jane. My sisters still have several months before they deliver so Ive been able to give them tips and comfort. In early October I started looking for a place of our own. We really missed having our own place. My sister called me one day and said the house next door to her was for rent. I called right away and by the next week it was ours. I was so excited. To be next door to my sister, have it be something we can afford and to have our own space again. I was thrilled. We moved in on October 13th. The rest of October was pretty uneventful unless you count Halloween. Jordan went as the guy from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Conor went as Thomas the Train. Conor turned 3 in November. I cant believe hes already three! The time goes by so fast sometimes I want to cry. November was also sort of a big month for me because I decided to put Jordan back into public school. I was not giving him what I felt I could give him at home. Hes doing great and seems to really enjoy it. December was nice. We went to my sister in laws for Christmas Eve. It was fun. She fixed tacos and enchiladas, they were good. The kids played and opened presents. After we left there we went light looking and then read the story of Jesus' birth and The Zombie Night Before Christmas ( I love this book). Christmas Day we went to my Moms for lunch. We had turkey with all the trimmings. The we opened presents and visited. It was nice. We left there and went to Mike's Moms house where we had snacks and opened more presents. We then left there and went to my Grandpas house. Then it was home to relax. We spent the weekend just hanging out. Then it was time for the New Year. We spent the evening going out to dinner and then coming home  and just being together. Jordan and Conor went over to Mike's sisters house to spend the night. They had a lot of fun and Conor even made it to midnight.

I wonder what excitement awaits us in 2011. The year will be starting off very exciting because my youngest sister Erica will be giving birth to her first child. They have decided to name him Hugo. I cant wait to see pictures. Then in February my sister Rebecca will give birth to her first child, Marshall and my friend Reta will be having her second child, a boy. Then in March my cousin Haleigh will be having her second child, a girl. Babies, Babies! In June my oldest will be 10, I cant believe it. In September my youngest will turn 1 and Mike and I will celebrate 5 years of marriage. Mike will be halfway through his associates degree in 2011 as well. In November Conor will be 4! Lots of little milestones along the way also. There are so many things to look forward to and that doesnt even count the things I dont know about.

I look back over the year with pride. Yes, there have been snags along the way and things havent always gone as planned. Our original plan was to save money to buy a house but as the months went by we decided that renting might be a better option for now. We've been talking about maybe moving to Arizona once hes done with school so I dont want to buy a house here if we might be moving there. We went down to one car. A huge step for me because I feel trapped without a car of my own but I agreed so we could have money to get our own place. Plus its cheaper in the long run. One of the biggest things that didnt go as planned was my homeschooling Jordan. I had so wanted to continue but I realized that with Emma here and Conors energy it just wasnt possible. I had to admit that I had failed, something I dont do easily.

I have many goals for next year. First and foremost I want to lose weight. This is of the utmost importance to me. To achieve this goal I purchased a diet book. I use the term diet loosely because I see it more as lifestyle change. I like it a lot. Its full of fresh fruits and vegetables. Im cooking and preparing food more often now. It has an excercise program with it also. Now that I'm done having children I can truly focus on that part of my life. We are going to start going to church more consistently as this is also very important to me. I think 2011 will be a good year for us.

So here's to the new year. whatever it may bring, be it good or bad.

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