Monday, July 4, 2011

First Impressions

What does it mean to make a first impression? Most people will say that a first impression is everything. That you are most likely judged on that first impression. Does this also pertain to Christians? Do we judge people based on what we see first and if so is this the correct reaction to a person?

The short answer is yes we do and no its not. I myself am definitely guilty of this one. John 7:24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

I myself am often judged on appearance. My tattoos tend to offend people especially Christians.  They so often assume that I cannot possibly be anything more than a heathen. But I don't care what they think, my tattoos are a map to my past.  I have trouble when it comes to peoples clothing. I was taught you didn't leave the house unless you looked nice. Clean clothes, no stains, holes or tears. Now I know that sometimes kids clothes will come up with holes in them. In our home theses clothes are for around the house only. We do not buy the fanciest or most expensive clothes. Most of the time I shop at Walmart or Target. Most of the time I try to shop at a thrift store first before I hit Walmart or Target.  I love thrift stores. You can find some really nice clothes there. I just make sure they don't have any tears or stains.

These first impressions apply to everyone you meet. Prospective mates, their family, employers, church members, everyone. So what happens after you've made the first impression? Is it then okay to show your 'true colors' so to speak? When Michael and I were first married I remember the morning after the first time he spent the night I got up before he did and fixed my hair and makeup. Now after hes seen me give birth to two children there's not much he hasn't seen. I still fix my hair and makeup before he comes home from work and when we go out into public I try my best to look nice beside him. But there are days where I don't bother to fix my hair or makeup if we're just hanging around the house. Even though we are married I still want to look good for him. I know the days of white gloves and hats are gone but I think its important to look presentable when going to church or a job depending on where you work that is.

So why am I writing about this? I guess its because of all the people that I have seen lately who just look like plain slobs. Baggy pants, stained clothes, wrinkled to death, clothes that show too much skin, nasty crusty feet with long toe nails (another hang up I have, I cant stand feet), just plain laziness when it comes to appearance. What has happened to society?

I know there a lot of lower income people out there who maybe cant afford nice clothing. We fall into the lower income category yet we are able to cloth ourselves and our children in decent clothing. Its all about where you shop. Again, thrift stores are great, especially for kids clothes they're just going to outgrow in a few months anyway. But then again its also about priorities. I know some of you maybe thinking "well I don't care what other people think about me" or that this blog is more about vanity than anything else. No I don't care what other people think about me but I still want to look presentable. I am probably the least vain person I know but it doesn't stop me from fixing my hair and makeup and trying to dress, if nothing else so that I feel good about myself. And you may not care about what other people think about you but the world is cruel and sometimes kids are judged on what they're parents look like or how they themselves dress and kids should feel comfortable in how they look.

I hope it doesn't sound like I am judging anyone for they're situation. I'm not. I'm just writing about what we do and believe. You don't have to agree with me and if Ive offended anyone, I apologize.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. There is a difference between expressing your individualism and looking like a slob. My personal pet peeve is the fuller-figured women who refuse to wear a bra to Wal-Mart. There's already a stigma about how heavy people are just lazy and dirty. But nothing really makes that stigma more true than a larger woman wearing a stained, nasty t-shirt sans bra to pick up some groceries at the Wal-Mart. As a larger woman, I want to slap these ladies and tell them that they're giving all of us a bad name!! :)
