Saturday, January 16, 2010

The New Year

Well here we are in a new year. Mike and I are really looking forward to this year. I think things for us will really start to get better. We are moving in early March. We are going to live with Mikes dad for a year so that we can save money to buy a house. I cant wait to see what this year will bring. Hopefully it will bring a new child as well.

We have been talking about having another baby for awhile now. My doctor seems to think I have endometriosis and if that is the case I would have to be on birth control for a long time to manage it. I have decided not to take it and try for a girl. Of course if we have another boy that would be fine to but a girl would be awesome. Dont get me wrong I love our boys I just like the idea of having a little girl around.

I know: what are we thinking? Im thinking: Im 30 and Im tired of waiting. That being said if we are not pregnant by the end of this year I would like to look into adoption. I think this is a good as time as any. We are very excited about it and I dont think its anybodys buisness but our own. I am also trying to find a job from home. I miss being with kids everyday and would like to be home more with them. I have a lead and if I am able to get it going them maybe by summer I can be home permanently. I will take over homeschooling Jordan and I am so looking forward to it. This year is new and fresh and shows lots of promise. I cant wait. I will keep you all updated in the progress we are making.

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