Monday, November 1, 2010

The Choices We Make


The choices we make can sometimes effect more than just ourselves. Because of this I would like to address those out there who have made comments to me recently about our decision not to have anymore kids. First of all its between me and God. Secondly its between Michael and I. We decided about 6 months into pregnancy that we didn’t want to have anymore children. We have many reasons for this. Money, space, time, and the fact that we are getting older and would like to someday have lives of our own that don’t revolve around children. Now don’t misunderstand me here, we love our kids, but the truth is we also love each other and would like to be able to just be a couple again.

The decision not to have anymore kids was not one made lightly. We knew this would be a permanent thing. I was the one going back and forth more than he but the more we talked about it the more we knew it was the right decision. Yes I am very fertile. I have no problems getting pregnant. When we decided to have another baby I told Michael it was now or never and within two weeks I was pregnant with Emma. The only kid I ever planned J. I have heard everything from “I think you made a wise choice”, to “Your going to hell.” There are those who say I am messing with Gods plan and to rely on him to take care of our every need. Although God will take care of us he also expects us to be wise and self-sufficient. You cant just sit there and say “ I’m not going to pay this bill because God will take care of it.” He’s not a magician, He’s not going to make it just disappear.

We also think that three is enough. There is no reason in today’s society to have a huge family. I believe its irresponsible to have more kids than you can provide for especially if you aren’t responsible in other areas. My mom works at a local hospital and sees this everyday. Women who come in with 4 or 5 kids and one on the way, women who have their kids taken away because they are on drugs or alcohol or they’re abusive to their kids. I believe having children is a privilege not a right. Now I know I am going to make some people angry with what I have said. But I make no apologies for how I feel. I feel that if you make the decision not to use birth control that all facets of your life need to be looked over. If I get pregnant what are the ramifications of this decision? Where am I in my life? How will this impact my life at this moment? If you already have kids how will it affect them? How will it affect us financially, space wise, and time wise? There are so many things to consider. I don’t believe that having a child should be a lightly made decision. It’s a person, another person to care for, to pay for, make space for.

I guess I’ve said that I wanted to. I know that there are a lot of people out there who disagree with me. Some of those may be friends and family. But hey this is America right, if people out there can pop out kids left and right then I can say what I want!

1 comment:

  1. i enjoy reading your blog! i agree completely with this!
