Friday, October 1, 2010

Baby Emma and Her Entrance Into the World

Well its official, Emma Jane Morrison is here. She arrived Sunday, September 26, 2010 at 9:18 a.m. She weighed in at 8 lbs 12 oz and is 21 inches long.

I started having contractions on Friday September 24th, late in the evening around 11:30 p.m. They weren't very close but I knew it was getting close. All day Saturday I felt like I was leaking something. It didn't look like amniotic fluid so I wasn't sure. I continued to have contractions. I ran errands with my mom and then Mike and I took the kids over to my mother-in-laws for a sleep over. We then went to dinner and then home. By the time we got home they were getting closer. I started to write down each time I had one. By 8:00 p.m. they were five minutes apart. I watched the contractions for two hours and they were consistent. I called the doctor and he said I should go ahead and come on in to the hospital. So off we went. It was about 11:15 p.m. when we left the house. OSU Medical Center is where we were headed and its not that far, which is nice because they were getting more intense. I told Mike not to call anyone just yet. It was the middle of the night and I didn't want a bunch of people waiting at the hospital since I had no idea how long it would be before she arrived. Mike did call his mom and I texted mine later that morning. My mom came and sat with us in the delivery room.

They got me into a room right away and started to monitor the progress. The nurse did a test and said that I was leaking fluid after all. I was only dilated to a 4 but after a few hours they decided to keep me. Since my dilation progress was going slow the doctor decided to give me pitocin. At 6 a.m. they started the pitocin in my IV. My contractions went from a pain level of about a 4 to about a 10 within minutes. They were horrible. But I also knew that it meant she would be here soon.

At about 9:00 a.m. the contractions were excruciating. The doctor came in and broke the last of my water and then it was time to start pushing. After about 6 pushes here she came. Near the end I really felt like I was going to rip in half. When she came out I heard Mike say, " Its really a girl!" They took her and cleaned her up while the doctor tended to me. He got me all fixed up and then I got to hold her for the first time.

All the pain I had been in just melted away. She looked beautiful. All the pain I had been in for the past few months and minutes was totally worth it.
They took Emma to the nursery and the nurses came in and got me situated to be moved to a recovery room. The next day I was scheduled for surgery to have my tubes tied. They came to get me on a bed and wheeled me up to the surgery floor. That was weird. Ive never had surgery before. I got up to the surgery floor and the anesthesiologist informed me that instead of an epidural they were just going to put me under for the procedure. I was a little nervous but I'm glad that's what they did. I woke up and they took me back to my room. Mike and the kids and Marilyn were all there. It was so cute to see Mike pacing with her. He handed her off to me and then they went to get lunch. Emma and I layed in the bed and rested.

We came home on Tuesday the 28th. So far things are good. Shes really a good baby. Although I suppose that could change :). It will be interesting to see how her personality develops and who she will look like. I feel like our family is complete. The last piece of the puzzle so to speak. Mike loves to hold her and stare at her. Hes a wonderful father. I love him so much. We also celebrated our 4th anniversary this week. Its been busy.

Emma Jane Morrison, you are beautiful and Im so glad you made it here! I love you.

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