Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Old Man Winter

Well we are now into day two of being snowed in. Things haven't been all that bad. Conor and Mike seem to have the most cabin fever. Jordan, me and Emma are doing fine. The only thing I was concerned about was having enough food. Mike got out earlier this morning and braved the cold and crazy roads to make a run to Warehouse Market to get a few things to tide us over for the next couple of days.

I must admit and those of you who really know me already know this but I hate winter. With a passion. There is nothing I like about it. I hate being cold. I find it much easier to cool down than to warm up. I spend most of the winter with numbness in my toes despite wearing thick socks and house shoes. I hate having to wear a huge coat that makes me feel and look like the Michelin man (as if I need to look any bigger than I already do). Then I worry about the pipes bursting, the rising utility bills and of course being stranded were we to leave the house.

I think snow is pretty but only when I'm home and warm in my house. The house we are living in right now although I love it, is super drafty. I spend most days under an electric blanket with layers on. Then there are the super dreary days where I just want to crawl back into bed and not get out until Spring. Oh well I guess its not all that bad. It could be worse and I know this. I keep trying to remind myself of the good things and how blessed we really are. We have a roof over our heads, its warm(ish), we have a car with 4 wheel drive so if we do need to leave in an emergency we can. We have money and food and the company of each other and some family close by. All in all I thank God for what we do have, even if it means being snowed in for a few more days.

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