Saturday, September 20, 2014

Time With the Girls

Moms night out....

When was the last time you had one? Just you or just you and the girls?

I recently rented the movie Moms Night Out. The mom in this particular movie hasnt been out in years. She has three kids maybe under the age of 6. Shes overwhelmed to say the least. Shes one of those moms that thinks everything has to be perfect.

I really liked this movie. It was funny without being vulgar or over the top. Everything you can think that might go wrong does. She handles it alright. But she seems to spend a lot of the movie feeling guilty for having a moms night out. Why are we as women made to feel this way? Why is it okay for the men to get to go out whenever they want but if we want to we instantly feel like we dont deserve it. I myself do not feel this way. Mike gets to go out every other Saturday and one Friday night a month to play D&D. I do tend to plan things when he is at those events but if I decide not to I dont sit around thinking about how I should be home.

I believe as women we should be allowed to go out every now and then and enjoy some girl time. Or even some alone time. Its healthy for couples to be able to have time where they arent with their spouse. Its healthy to have outside interests.

I think in our society its either be one way or the other. Either youre the type of mom who goes out all the time and you and your husband dont spend much time together or youre so home bound that you never get out. Dont get me wrong I like being home. I spend upwards of 12 hours with my kids everyday. So when I get the chance to go somewhere, even if its the grocery store alone. I take it. I love my husband but I recognize that he too needs time alone, and not just at work, that doesnt count.  He needs guy time. He needs guy talk just like I need girl talk.

The movie shows just how messed up our society is when it comes to how women are viewed as well as men. In the movie they decide to let the husbands watch the kids and its a series of mishaps all around. Why does it seem that every time movies show the husbands "watching" the kids that it never goes smoothly? I know my husband is very capable of caring for our kids. He has before and I have no worries when I am out. Do we as a society believe that our husbands are only capable of earning a paycheck? That the moms truly are the only ones who can "properly" care for the kids?

I dont know about you or your situation but I think that we as moms need make more time for ourselves. I am a giver and I tend to overdue it sometimes but I realize that resting and revitalizing is a much needed part of being a mom. Being able to step away and remember why it is we do what we do is so important. I am very blessed to have a husband who agrees with me and friends who are able to do things with me.

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