Monday, April 5, 2010

15 weeks and counting

I am now at 15 weeks, only 5 weeks to go and I'm halfway through this. I have felt small flutters of life in there. For me that's when it really becomes real, when the baby starts moving. I know that sounds crazy. Ive been feeling a bit better so hopefully this is a good sign of things to come. Mike and I have been talking about baby names. I'm only thinking of boy ones because I really believe this is a boy. Arnold is on the table again and quite frankly I like it. Its different. I like different. Hes also suggested Liam. I'm not to sure about that one but we still have 6 months to go so we'll see.

I have been thinking a lot about the coming months. I'm looking forward to taking the kids on some field trips to some cool places around Oklahoma. It will be a challenge being huge and having to deal with Conor, not that hes that hard its just hes a little more active than Jordan was at that age. I'll be taking the stroller and the "leash" with me wherever I go so it wont be that hard. As far as the baby goes, September cant come fast enough. I love the idea of having a baby around but its scary and exciting at the same time. Conor and this baby will be so close in age. I know women have done it before but not me. If I could have had my way I would have waited another 6 years but time isn't exactly on my side and I married Mike to be with him and be his wife not his baby machine.

Anyway I will keep posting if anyone's interested about the coming months. I'm even starting a new blog to talk about our summer adventures and the adventures we'll be taking next school year as I intend to take over Jordans homeschooling. It should be interesting so stay tuned.....

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