Saturday, September 17, 2011

32 years

Today was my 32nd birthday. I have to say that I don't feel thirty-two. I'm at an age in my life where I'm looking and questioning a lot of things. It doesn't seem that long ago that I was just out of high school with my whole life ahead of me. Not that I'm that old its just something I was thinking about. Ive been out of school 14 years now. A lot has happened in that time. Ive been married twice, had three kids, held several jobs and moved about 14 times. Things have been good and bad since I got out of school. My marriage to my first husband was a nightmare. We were married for 6 years but I left after 5. Shortly after we divorced I started re-dating my husband. We'll be married 5 years at the end of this month. He has been wonderful to me. Don't get me wrong we've had our fair share of problems but we seem to stronger than ever. All I asked for my birthday was for him to get me a card. Here's what it said:

The Cover: For You, My Love on Your Birthday
The Inside: I hope there is never a need for you to wonder how strong and deep my feelings are for you. We may have changed a little, grown a lot, but whats been constant is how much I need you in my life....
If my words sometimes fail me, always remember whats in my heart- you stir my soul.....and always will.
Then he wrote: I love you very much. I constantly look forward to our life together: growing old, watching our children grow and looking forward to grandchildren. -Michael

He always knows just what to say. A card is usually the only thing I ask for when it comes to birthdays, anniversaries, Valentines day or Mothers day. I just want to be acknowledged. I too look forward to the coming years. I look forward to the next 32 years with him. I look forward to seeing our children grow and go out on their own. I calculated the other day and discovered that by the time I'm 50 all my kids will be 18. Michael and I will be on our way to having time to just be a couple. That more than anything else is something I am looking forward to.

A lot can happen in the next 32 years. I thank God for the past 32 years and I pray that I will be healthy and able to enjoy the next 32 years.

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