Monday, July 5, 2010


Brothers. A bond I will never understand. Jordan and Conor are brothers. Even though they are 6 years apart they are very close. Jordan is so protective of Conor. Conor really misses Jordan when he is not here. Now we're about to have a little girl in the house. I had sisters. I know the bond between sisters, that I understand. But boys are different. They show emotions different, they play different, everything seems different. It will be interesting to see how a little girl affects their dynamic. I hope they will embrace her and all be close as they grow.

I know the strife's that siblings can go through. The things that can come between. May it be something small or something big they can rip families apart. I myself have seen it with my Mom and her sisters. They are no longer as close as they were when they were younger. My sisters and I haven't been as close as I would like in the past few years but hopefully motherhood will bond us once again.

The bond of brothers goes back to the beginning. Brothers doesn't always have to mean blood brothers. Jordan and Conor share the same mother but different dads. I have never used the term "step-brothers", I feel they are brothers, that's it. I love to watch them together. They have so much fun together, watching movies, playing with their toys and going outside. I love to hear them talk to each other, especially now that Conor is talking more and more. I love to check in on them at night and see them sharing the bed. Its so cute.

My hope for their lives is that they will remain close. That they will never forget the bond they have.

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