Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Nesting. Something I really hadn't thought about before today. This is my third child and I think this is the first time I have really noticed that I have entered the "nesting" phase of pregnancy. Lately it has been really bad. I look around the house and I am disgusted. Its not that the house is really filthy its just very disorganized. Maybe its just the nesting feeling I'm having I'm not sure. I have a routine down when it comes to the housework. I clean the kitchen everyday, wiping off cabinets, the stove and doing the dishes before bed. I sweep, mop the floors and vacuum three times a week. I clean the bathrooms twice a week and do the laundry at least twice a week depending on what needs to be washed. But there's other things that I feel aren't up to my standards.

First of all the kids room is in dire need of organizing. Jordan is really good about keeping his room clean. He picks it up and puts clothes away but there are toys in there that I know they don't play with so its time once again to go through them and donate what they don't play with. Thankfully we'll be moving out of this house before the baby gets big enough to have her own space so in the mean time I just have to manage one kids room. So today I decided it was time to go out to the shed and dig out the futon frame so that I could get Jordan and Conors bed off the floor. It makes the room look more organized and clean. It was a booger to get out and figure out how to put it together but Jordan and I got it together and the room already looks better.

Second of all our bedroom needs to be cleaned and organized. It seems to always be messy. But that's one door I can close so I don't stress to much about it. That's the next room I will conquer. I need to de-clutter alot of the house. We are limited to space since it isn't our house but I think I can get it where I want it to be before the baby gets here.

Its hard to explain the "nesting" feeling to those who have never been pregnant. I didn't even realize that's what I was feeling until I was reading a recent email from Parents Magazine. I like to be organized, clean and orderly. It doesn't always happen when I want it to but I think for the most part that the house is clean and tidy on a pretty regular basis. I like to have the housework done in the morning before I leave for the day and if I have nowhere to go I have it done before Mike gets home. I don't ask much of him because his day job is so hard. As I look forward to the next few weeks of "nesting" time before the baby gets there I have to stop and think about all I need to get done. Sometimes I feel overwhelmed but I know that I can get it done. I will be prepared when she gets here and things will be wonderful!

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