Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Day Like Any Other.....

Today as all of you know is Valentines Day. But for me its a day like any other. Mike and I will exchange cards and then go about our day. I have laundry and Mike is moving stuff to his Dad's. The kids are playing. I don't need a "special" day to remind me how much Mike and I love each other. He reminds me every day. He tells me in little ways.

Hes been so supportive lately while I am working toward building an at home business. I know its not easy, like me he wants to see results. He been so understanding about my nausea. The house seems to be falling apart around us. Some days its all I can do to get out of bed, let alone do laundry and cook. But Mike has been very understanding and helpful. Mike is so good to me. I couldn't ask for a better husband. He makes little gestures like a hug, kiss or a look. Everyday we try to show each other how we feel. I think that's important in sustaining a long term relationship. I usually get a nice card for the big holidays: Valentines Day, Mother's Day, Birthday and Anniversary. He always write something good in it. I usually end up crying.

I could have gone out and put a lot of money and time into getting him a gift. But I couldn't think of anything to get him and usually a card will suffice. I could have made a cake or cookies or even bought some, but we are trying to cut those things out of having them at home. I could have suggested we go out on a 'date' but instead we went out to dinner as a family. It was nice. I don't need some holiday made up by retailers to tell me that my husband loves me.

I love him and he loves me. Simple as that. With all our faults, imperfections, craziness and ticks, we love each other and take care of each other. I like to think it flows over into our children. I want our kids to see the affection we have and pass it along to their own spouses and children someday. We may not always agree on everything, we might bicker over the small stuff but at the end of the day we never go to bed mad and we snuggle before we go to sleep. I love sleeping in the same bed. I cannot imagine having separate beds. I would miss out on so much. (not what your thinking) Its more about the talking, snuggling, the thought that hes there beside me, always.

As we grow older I see a great lifetime of adventure ahead of us. I think we will travel perhaps, enjoy hikes and trails with our kids as they grow and our grandchildren. We will grow closer and I hope that when the end is near we'll be together to share in it no matter how painful.

Michael is my best friend, my soul-mate. Here's to a thousand more Valentines Days......

1996 at Mikes Prom....
Us 10 years later on our wedding day!!

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