Friday, February 19, 2010

Moving......yet again

Well, its that time again.....moving time. I hate moving time. Everything about it. Packing, sorting, loading, unloading, and unpacking. The only thing that's even remotely good about moving is that it forces you to go through what you have and I usually end up finding something Id forgotten I had. Other than that I hate it. I have moved more times in my life than I care to think about. My dad was in the Navy, it was just a part of life.

I was born in Jacksonville, Fl. We then moved here to Tulsa. We lived here for awhile then moved to Maryland, then back to Florida, Orlando this time. We lived there for awhile then moved back here in 1993 and we've been here ever since. Well I have, my sisters have moved to other states.

Even though I have lived in Tulsa for 17 years I have not lived in the same spot. I lived in the house my parents built until I was 21 and I moved in with my then husband to an apartment in South Tulsa. We lived there a year and then moved to a rental house in mid-town. We lived there a year and then moved to a house at Pine and Lewis (fellow Tulsans will know where this is), we lived there a year then moved to a house in North Tulsa, not the best part of town. We lived there a year before we were robbed and I insisted we move. We did to a house near Gilcrease Museum. I lived there for 6 months before I found out my husband was having a affair and I took my child and moved in with my parents. I got my son and I a rental house on the West Side (the best side). I lived there for 2 years before my now husband and I decided to move out to Prattville ( little suburb outside of Tulsa). We lived there for a year, would have stayed longer but we were tired of having uninvited visitors. We then moved in with my mom after my dad decided he didn't want to be around anymore. We lived with her for 9 months before she could no longer afford to keep the only "childhood" home I have ever known. We then moved into an apartment. Which was great in the beginning but has had too many problems to count. They say home is where the heart is. I guess that's true. Even though Ive never had a permanent home so to speak my heart has always been where my family is.

So here we are again. Moving time. We are moving in with my father-in-law so that we can save money to buy a house. This time next year we will be in our own home. Maybe for once I will feel settled.  Mike and I will have a home of our own. A place that we can build together. That's something I cant wait for. In the mean time we're adding a new addition to our family and trying to save every dime we have. This year should prove to be interesting.

I look forward to this year. A time for Mike and I to finally get where we want to be. I also look forward to being able to buy a house so that I can give my kids what I never had.

A place to call home....

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